समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातुमलक्रियः । प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनाः स्वस्थ इत्यभिधीयते ॥

Comparative Evaluation of Triphala and Ela Decoction With 0.2%

Comparative Evaluation of Triphala and Ela Decoction With 0.2% Chlorhexidine as Mouthwash in the Treatment of Plaque-Induced Gingivitis and Halitosis: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial


Present study evaluates efficacy of Trifala and Ela as plaque controlling agent and compares it with chlorhexidine.


To evaluate Antigingivitis, Antiplaque and Antihalitosis effect of Triphala and Ela decoction. A randomized sample of 60 patients with plaque induced gingivitis was enrolled and equally divided into two groups group A and group B. Group A was given Trifala and Ela decoction and Group B Chlorehexidine mouthwash for 21 days twice daily. Gingival inflammation index, plaque index and Organoleptic scoring scale was recorded at baseline, 14th day and 21st day. Comparing the plaque index for Group A with group B the reduction in from baseline to 14 day was 42.59 % and 38.62% respectively while from baseline to 21 day was 56.20% and 68.57% respectively. On comparing Gingival index for group A with group B the reduction from baseline to 14 day was 31.95% and 38.62 % respectively while from baseline to 21 day was 69.95 % and 68.57% respectively. Halitosis Percentage reduction at 14th day from base line was 33.33% and 38.18%; at 21 day from baseline 66.66% and 72.72% respectively for group A and group B. No statistical significant difference for intergroup comparison was found using paired t test. Intra group analysis using unpaired t test was significant for all the indices at different time intervals. Triphala and Ela decoction is organic, easy to prepare economical and equally effective as compared to chlorhexidine mouthwash.

Keywords: antigingivitis, antiplaque, halitosis, triphala, Ela, plaque induced gingivitis

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that offers a vast pool of herbal medication effective and often considered free of toxicity of modern allopathic preparations. In recent times, a lot of clinical trials have been conducted, evaluating the age-old science of ayurveda by testing it against the gold standard allopathic preparations used for established treatment modalities.1 Kaval (mouthwash) is described in ayurvedic text for the treatment of various oral and dental problems.

Gingivitis is one of the most prevalent oral diseases worldwide and is caused by the bacterial biofilm surrounding the teeth. Gingivitis leads to swollen gums, bleeding gums and halitosis.2 all these conditions results in poor oral hygiene and a cascade of events causing early loss of teeth leading to dental aesthetics and function problems.

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