Panchakarma is a unique mode of Ayurvedic therapy which has both preventive and curative aspects. Panchakarma constitutes the Shodhana Chikitsa which is an Ayurvedic rejuvenation treatment which does not only eliminates the toxins causing the diseases but also replenishes the tissue with nourishment. Along with panchakarama therapy various other ayurvedic therapies are also planned for the treatment of various illnesses.
Panchakarma is a unique mode of Ayurvedic therapy which has both preventive and curative aspects. Panchakarma constitutes the Shodhana Chikitsa which is an Ayurvedic rejuvenation treatment which does not only eliminates the toxins causing the diseases but also replenishes the tissue with nourishment.
The name panchakarma is derived from two Sanskrit words. “Panch” means “five” and “karma” means “action.” The name denotes five primary procedures of cleansing which Ayurveda uses to purify the body. The five-purificatory procedures are: 1) vaman (induced emesis) 2) virechan (induced purgation) 3) niruha basti (decoction enemas) 4) anuvasna basti (oil enema) and 5) nasya (nasal medication). Panchakarma therapy is always performed in three stages – purva karma (pre-treatment), pradhana karma (main treatment) and pashchat karma (post-treatment).
Under this procedure medicated oil is kept for a certain period of time over the chest as well as on the cardiac region with the help of a tank made by black gram paste.
Under this procedure medicated oil is kept for a certain period of time over the chest as well as on the cardiac region with the help of a tank made by black gram paste. It improves the stiffness , pain and congestion in the chest region and gives strength to the heart.
Manyabasti is used for treating the problems of the neck and upper limb.
Manyabasti is external oleation therapy very similar to the kativasti treatment which is used for treating the problems of the neck and upper limb. Medicated oil is kept on the cervical region with the help of a tank made by black gram paste. Most of the neck problems including muscle spasm, rigidity in cervical region, frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis, neck pain are effectively treated with this local treatment.
In Avagaha Sweda, treatment, patient is advised to sit in a bathtub, which contains decoctions of herbs, warm water or medicated oil for a prescribed period of time.
In Avagaha Sweda, treatment, patient is advised to sit in a bathtub, which contains decoctions of herbs, warm water or medicated oil for a prescribed period of time. It is very useful in treating various ano-rectal conditions like hemorrhoids fistula in ano, urinary disorders and all diseases of pelvic region.
Netrashchyotana is an effective treatment used for treating various eye problems.
Netrashchyotana is an effective treatment used for the treatment of various eye problems. Due to environmental pollution, watching TV/mobile continuously and working long hours on computer, eyes are often strained and overtired which always have adverse effects on our vision and activity. This treatment has a relaxing effect on the eyes and surrounding tissue. It is always carried out in conjunction with facial massage. This treatment helps in removing the impurities from the eyes and improves vision. Usually for this process ghrita or rose water is used for keeping over the eyes by making a tank of black gram paste around the eyes.
Katibasti is very effective for the treatments of back problems, like a low backache, sciatica, slipped disc, ankylosing spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis.
This is a local treatment which is very effective for the treatments of back problems, like a low backache, sciatica, slipped disc, ankylosing spondylosis lumbar spondylosis. Medicated oil is kept on the diseased part with the help of a tank made of black gram paste.
In Udhwartanam, dry powder massage is performed which is prepared by various ayurvedic herbs. It cleans the skin, increases circulation and promotes weight loss and it slims and trims the body. This massage is also helpful in improving skin complexion.
In Udhwartanam, dry powder massage is performed which is prepared by various ayurvedic herbs. It cleans the skin and increases circulation.It is specifically done to treat obesity and promoting weight loss.
In Pizzinchil, the patient lies on a wooden massage table and medicated warm oil is poured continuously over the entire body in a very specific manner.
In this procedure, the patient lies on a wooden droni and medicated warm oil is poured continuously over the entire body in a very specific manner. It is performed for a specific period of time by the help of well trained therapists under the supervision of physician. It is indicated in different kinds of musculo skeletal disorders, various arthritis, neurological conditions and muscular problems.
In this treatment a stream of medicated oils is poured in a very particular manner on the forehead and head of the person which helps in various brain health issues including cognitive and memory functions.
In this treatment a stream of medicated oils is poured evenly in a particular manner and head of the person thereby helping to tone up the brain and improve memory. Shirodhara is a very soothing and cooling treatment that calms the mind and relaxes the central nervous system. Different liquid mediums are used for shirodhara in different diseases. Medicated oils, buttermilk, and decoctions of herbal extracts are some of the fluids, which are commonly used for this purpose. Shirodhara is effective in anxiety, depression, stress related problems, migraine headache, tension headaches, hypertension, insomnia, paralysis, senile dementia and other neurological malfunctions. This is one of the most popular therapy recommended for relaxation, rejuvenation and mental calmness.
Shirobasti is yet another efficient treatment method in which oil is retained on the head in a special cap tied over the forehead.
In shirobasti medicated oil is retained on the head in a special cap tied over the forehead. This treatment consists of keeping the prescribed medicated oil at a bearable temperature in a leather cap fitted around the head of the patient. Shirobasti is effective in trigiminal neuralgia, hemicrania, optic atrophy, otalgia, deafness, facial paralysis and various other neurological problems.
Navarakizhi (Pinda Sweda) is a special massage, which rejuvenates the body. A highly effective rejuvenation technique using a special type of rice for the therapy which is cooked and tied into boluses, further dipped into an herbal decoction and warm milk.
Navarakizhi is a special massage, which rejuvenates the body. A highly effective rejuvenation technique using a special type of rice that is cooked tied into boluses and dipped into an herbal decoction and warm milk. During Navarakizhi, Medicated oil is first applied over the patient’s body. After this, the body is massaged with small linen bags filled with cooked navara rice. The special rice is cooked by boiling it in cow’s milk along with ayurvedic herbs. The linen bags filled with rice are dipped in the same boiling mixture and applied by massage therapist at a comfortable temperature over the whole body. By repetitive massage with boluses the whole body perspires and releases toxins through this treatment. This treatment improves complexion of the skin, restores vigor and strengthen the muscular tissue. This therapy endows several benefits to a healthy individual as well as to the person suffering from musculoskeletal disorders, degenerative conditions and neurological problems. The boluses made up of rice, herbal powder and herbal leaves used in the treatment are called njavarakizhi, choorna kizhi and elakizhi respectively.